A journal entry dated July 20th, 2009:
"We are forgiven, covered by the blood of Christ--that does not give us immunity, or the excuse to sin. We should not say 'I will be forgiven, so I can do this just once'-- there is no 'just once'--the stumble will be followed by more until we are falling down into a dark and terrible hole. The beauty of forgiveness allows us to look up at the smallest glimmer of Light reaching down into our self-made hole, but if we become fully immersed in our sin, instead of looking up we will look down and try to tunnel ourselves out by digging deeper. --this came to me on the toilet--magical,eh?
I was paid for in blood--I repay in faithlessness and disobedience; Your Mercy is great, I have only You to fear. I can feel You waking me up, 'RISE!' You say, 'RISE AND GO FORTH!' It is time to listen and obey. "